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Komponistinnen in der Alten Musik


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New Arrivals

These Komponistinnen in der Alten Musik concerts became visible lately at ConcertPulse.

Artistic depiction of the event


Sat, Oct 4, 2025, 18:30
Cité des Dames (Choir), Amy Green (Soprano), Miako Klein (Violin), Jia Lim (Hammerflügel), Susanne Wosnitzka (Speaker)
On October 4, 2025, the concert series SONUS FEMINÆ opens with IN ANMUTENDER SCHLICHTHEIT, featuring works by female composers like Juliane Reichhardt and Bettina von Arnim, performed by the ensemble Cité des Dames. Susanne Wosnitzka will provide insights into the cultural context. The event is presented by Miako Klein in cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth and supported by Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin and the Mariann Steegmann Foundation.

Upcoming Concerts

Komponistinnen in der Alten Musik concerts in season 2024/25 or later

March 1, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Sonus Feminæ #4 - THE WOMAN QUESTION

Sat, Mar 1, 2025, 18:30
Amy Green (Soprano), Miako Klein (Blockflöte), Miako Klein (Violin), Mirjam-Luise Münzel (Blockflöte), Mirjam-Luise Münzel (Viola da Gamba), Alma Stolte (Viola da Gamba), Anna Reisener (Viola da Gamba), Magnus Andersson (Laute), Magnus Andersson (Theorbe), Cathrin Romeis (Speaker), Iñigo Giner Miranda (Director), Guillem Borrás Garriga (Dramaturgie), Guillem Borrás Garriga (Recherche), Prof. Margarete Zimmermann (Einführungsvortrag)
The concert series "Sonus feminæ" opens its season with THE WOMAN QUESTION, a literary and musical evening centered on Christine de Pizan's "The Book of the City of Ladies" from 1405 and the "Querelles des Femmes." Ensemble Cité des Dames and Trio Tiefsaits perform works from Margaret of Austria's collection, and by Maddalena Casulana and Barbara Strozzi. Iñigo Giner Miranda directs, Cathrin Romeis narrates, and Prof. Margarete Zimmermann lectures.
October 4, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event


Sat, Oct 4, 2025, 18:30
Cité des Dames (Choir), Amy Green (Soprano), Miako Klein (Violin), Jia Lim (Hammerflügel), Susanne Wosnitzka (Speaker)
On October 4, 2025, the concert series SONUS FEMINÆ opens with IN ANMUTENDER SCHLICHTHEIT, featuring works by female composers like Juliane Reichhardt and Bettina von Arnim, performed by the ensemble Cité des Dames. Susanne Wosnitzka will provide insights into the cultural context. The event is presented by Miako Klein in cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth and supported by Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin and the Mariann Steegmann Foundation.